Update December 2021

Training under Covid Regulations – Under Phase III-V
- Please note that contact tracing will apply to participants attending each session. This will help to facilitate contact tracing in the event that a participant becomes ill with COVID-19. Members are required to complete and return the emailed Self Assessment Screening Form PRIOR to attending EACH TRAINING SESSION.
- All people showing up to class must CONFIRM:
1. You are FEELING WELL.
2. That you HAVE NO SYMPTOMS of COVID-19 within the last 14 days which may include: Fever; Cough; Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing; Chills; Fatigue: Headache; Sore throat; Loss of taste or smell (if not a previous ongoing Condition
- Sharing transport is not advised. Please come to class alone or with a member of your own family/household.
- Wash your hands with soap and water before coming to and on returning home from class. Please bring, for your own use, hand sanitiser to practice hand hygiene on entry and exiting dojo.
- Please bring your own safety equipment, water bottles, towels and personal equipment which should be clearly marked. Please do not share items with others unless with people from the same household.
- Please bring and wear, for your own use, a protective face covering
Please remember to cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. Use a tissue where possible and dispose of appropriately.
- Observe physical distancing by keeping at least 2 metres apart at all times, preparing for training, training breaks, continuing this distance upon single file entry and exit. Please do not congregate at the beginning or end of the class. This rule continues to apply to everyone except members of the same household.
- Training in basics, katas will be undertaken at 2m distance.
- Individual kumite drills only.
- No sparing unless undertaken between family members
- Kumite drills only against a static target.
- Protective equipment must be worn using static target.
- Kumite training will be a 2m x 2m area.
- Please remember to maintain a minimum 2 metre physical distancing throughout the activity. Depending on the nature of the activity, it may be necessary to leave more space between all participants.
- Where equipment may be provided (eg speed ladders) for participant use - such items will be cleaned and sanitised before and after each activity session.
- Any participant feeling unwell during the activity, should inform your instructor and return home as soon as possible and consult your GP.
- Following training return home immediately, not stopping anywhere. Shower on returning home, wash your training clothes and wash/sanitise protective equipment.