Karate is a Japanese Martial Art where its physical aspects seek the development of defensive and offensive body movements. The studies of traditional karate training are fighting (kumite) and self-defence although its mental and moral objectives target the overall improvement of the individual. This is facilitated by the discipline and persistent effort in training.
"You never attack first in karate"
The actual word Karate is a combination of two words Kara, meaning “Empty” and Te meaning “Hand", adding -do” meaning "The Way/Path" . Karate-do implies karate as a total way of life going well beyond any self defence applications.
Karate can be practised as an art (budo), self defence or sport. The purpose of Traditional Karate is to develop a well-balanced mind and body and, in potential conflict, to prevent any violent attack before an actual fight occurs. Traditional Karate practice also shares the ultimate aim of Budo, to cultivate great human character and a developed mind, applying it to tasks of everyday living. As an art form, karate places emphasis on self-development, with Modern Japanese style training emphasising the psychological elements of attitude such as perseverance, fearlessness, virtue, and leadership skills. Traditional Karate-Do one is supposed to compete and strive to excel within him/herself.
Karate is the perfect practice for getting the most out of life, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It will help you develop physical strength keeping your body fit and flexible and compliments and improves conditioning and fitness. It involves all major muscle groups in the body improving core strength and flexibility. As an individual activity, it can provide a source of fitness that is enjoyable, building at your own pace, while observing your own journey developing improvements of mind, body and spirit which can be maintained for many years -
Karate is a Japanese word meaning 'Empty Hand' a system of fighting designed to be used in defence against unarmed and/or armed opponents, in which a karate practitioner (karate-ka) uses only their own body parts.
- Karate should never be used in aggression........... KARATE-Do -

Karate practice is much more than physical training - it is a complete discipline developing balance between mind, body & spirit.
The practitioner measures progress based on their own abilities - not comparative to others.
There is no age or ability requisite for karate participation.
It promotes discipline, confidence, inner security, development of character and improved feeling of well-being.
Karate Training Comprises Three Elements
Means "basics" - "fundamentals" forming the foundation stones for understanding and progression in techniques of stances, strikes, punches, kicks and blocks.
Typically, this is training in unison of a technique or a combination of techniques by a group of Karateka. Kihon may also be prearranged drills in smaller groups or in pairs.
Kihon is the key to Kata and Kumite, the foundation builder to correct technique in Kumite and in Kata. Without these prerequisite elements, Kumite will be a variant outside of karate precepts.
At SEDAI, we practice Shotokan, and place high importance on KIHON as essential to advanced Karate practice.

Kata is a formalised sequence of movements which represent various offensive and defensive postures.These postures are based on idealised combat applications.
The applications when applied in a demonstration with real opponents is referred to as Bunkai which shows how every movement and stance is used. Bunkai is a useful tool in coming to understand a Kata application.
Part of grading in order to attain a higher rank, a Karateka student must demonstrate competent performance of a specific required Kata for that level.
Kumite is sparring or fight which is practiced as a sport and self defence training.
Within Kumite there are a number of classified variants which are classified in their how they are performed, and distinguished by their classification.
Ippon-kumite (one step sparring); Sanbon-kumite (three step sparring) or
Jiyu kumite (free sparring)